2009.09--2014.06 河南财经政法大学 信息管理与信息系统 管理学学士学位
2014.09—2021.09 东华大学 管理科学与工程 管理学博士学位(硕博连读)
2018.10—2021.12 巴黎萨克雷大学 数学与计算机 博士学位
2022.03—至今 河南大学商学院 物流管理系
ø 已发表期刊论文
[1] ying li, feng chu, feifeng zheng, ming liu. (2022). a bi-objective optimization for integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment with preventive maintenance activities. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 23(4):2938-2955. (sci, if 6.319, jcr一区)
[2] yantong li, ying li, junheng cheng, peng wu. (2021). order assignment and scheduling for personal protective equipment production during the outbreak of epidemics. ieee transactions on automation science and engineering,1-35. doi: 10.1109/ tase. 2021.3137025.(sci, if 4.829, jcr一区)
[3] feifeng zheng, ying li, feng chu, ming liu, yinfeng xu. (2019). integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment with maintenance activities. international journal of production research, 57(11), 3478-3503. (sci, if 4.577, jcr一区)
[4] 李英,乔龙亮,郑斐峰.(2018). 具有预知信息的集装箱码头泊位与岸桥联合调度在线模型. 运筹学学报, 22(03), 32-40. (北大核心,cscd)
ø 已发表会议论文
[1] ying li, feifeng zheng, feng chu. the planning of automated truck dedicated lanes considering the traffic flow equilibrium. 8th iesm, shanghai, china, sep. 25-27, 2019.
[2] ying li, feng chu, feifeng zheng, imed kacem. integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment with uncertain maintenance activities. 8th iesm, shanghai, china, sep. 25-27, 2019.
[3] ying li, feng chu. integrated scheduling of berth and quay crane considering maintenance activities. 20th roadef, le havre, france, feb.19-21, 2019.
[4] ming liu, ying li, feifeng zheng, feng chu. integration of timetabling, multi-type vehicle scheduling and user routing in public transit network considering fuel consumption. 7th iesm, saarbrücken, germany, oct.11-13, 2017.
[5] feifeng zheng, ying li, ming liu. an integrated scheduling of berth and quay cranes with maintenance activities (extended abstract). 6th logms, sydney, australia, jun. 21-23, 2016.
[6] 乔龙亮, 郑斐峰, 李英.(2015). 有限预知信息下集装箱码头泊位分配在线策略研究. 2015年中国管理科学与工程研究报告.中国管理科学与工程学会:成都理工大学管理科学学院, 2015:8.
ø 主持项目