李煜,河南大学商学院教授,博士,美国布鲁姆菲尔德大学访问学者,长期从事电子商务与供应链物流管理教学与科研工作。国际电子商务联合会中国分会第一届理事,中国信息经济学会电子商务专业委员会委员,河南省工程管理专业学位研究生教育指导委员会副主任委员,河南省电子商务教指委副主任委员,中国(河南)自由贸易试验区专家委员会委员,中国(郑州)跨境电子商务综合实验区专家委员会委员,河南省电子商务专业咨询委员会委员,河南大学电子商务硕士点牵头导师。近年来发表专业论文50余篇,其中ssci、sci检索20多篇,完成国家和省级科研项目多项。指导学生参加互联网 、全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛,大创赛等获得多个国家级、省级奖励。
[1] dynamic sine cosine algorithm for large-scale global optimization problems[j]. expert systems with applications,2021, 177:114950.(sci一区、top期刊)
[2] dimension by dimension dynamic sine cosine algorithm for global optimization problems[j]. applied soft computing, 2021,98: 106933.(sci一区、top期刊)
[3] 基于改进蝙蝠算法和三次样条插值的机器人路径规划[j]. 自动化学报, 2021,47(7):1710-1719 (a类期刊)
[4] an improved moth-flame optimization algorithm for engineering problems[j]. symmetry. 2020, 12(8), 1234(30 pages).(sci)
[5] 大规模优化问题的改进花朵授粉算法[j]. 计算机科学与探索, 2020, 14(8): 1427-1440.(cscd核心)
[6]求解函数优化问题的改进布谷鸟搜索算法[j]. 计算机科学, 2020, 47(01): 219-230.(b类期刊)
[7] 基于高斯扰动和指数递减策略的改进蝙蝠算法[j]. 计算机应用研究, 2020, 37(05),1384-1389.(cscd)
[8] a dynamic adaptive firefly algorithm with globally orientation[j]. mathematics and computers in simulation. 2020, 174(8): 76-101. (sci二区)
[9] two subpopulations cuckoo search algorithm based on mean evaluation method for function optimization problems[j]. international journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. 2020, 34(8), 2059027(31 pages). (sci)
[10] gravitational search algorithm based on multiple adaptive constraint strategy[j]. computing, 2020, 102(10): 2117-2157.(sci)
[11] 具有振荡约束的自然选择萤火虫优化算法[j]. 控制与决策, 2020, 35(10): 2363-2371.(ei)
[12] 优选策略的自适应蚁狮优化算法[j]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2020,33(2):121-132. (b类期刊)
[13] 具有动态步长和发现概率的布谷鸟搜索算法[j]. 系统仿真学报, 2020, 32(02):289-298. (cscd)
[14] an improved bat algorithm based on levy flights and adjustment factors[j]. symmetry-basel. 2019,11(7),925(19 pages). (sci二区)
[15] gaussian perturbation whale optimization algorithm based on nonlinear strategy.internationaljournal of performability engineering. 2019,15(7),1829-1838. (ei)
[16] improved bat algorithm for vehicle routing problem. international journal of performability engineering. 2019, 15(1): 317-325. (ei)
[17] a differential evolution flower pollination algorithm with dynamic switch probability[j]. chinese journal of electronics. 2019, 28(4): 737-747. (sci)
[18] a gravitational search algorithm with adaptive mixed mutation for function optimization[j]. international journal of performability engineering. 2018, 14(4): 681-690. (ei)
[19]融合均匀变异与高斯变异的蝙蝠优化算法[j]. 控制与决策. 2017, 32(10): 1775-1781. (ei)
[1]智能前沿:群智能优化算法及应用[m]. 北京:中国经济出版社,2020.05
[2]前端规划:物流系统群智能优化方法[m].北京:中国经济出版社. 2020.11