zhou wenbin was invited to lecture at business school.-澳门十大赌博正规官网

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zhou wenbin was invited to lecture at business school.
author:     date:2017-12-27    read points:

on december 26, in the afternoon, the chinese academy of social sciences gongjingsuo wen-bin zhou researchers invited to school as a titled "robots the size of the application of human resource management and the significant influence of the special subject academic report. part of the business school students participated in the report. the report will be chaired by li xingong, associate dean of business school.

first of all, zhou wenbin starts with the history and development of the robot, showing the great impetus for the change of production relationship between scientific and technological progress. later, he revealed the substitution relationship between robots and workers by analyzing the use of robots in manufacturing at home and abroad. at the same time, he was keen to point out our country labor population is still increasing year by year in the objective conditions, and further summarizes the proposed amount and scale of the robot application increasing labor resources will have a big test on existing human resources management. finally, researcher zhou reiterates the robot scale application of historical inevitability, pointed out the existing human resources quality through ascension, pay attention to human resources management, and other methods to cope with the robot scale caused by social innovation. he placed great expectations on the students, and called on them to seize the opportunities, meet the challenges and create a business future.

the teachers and students listened carefully to the report, and discussed and communicated with the researcher on the related issues and zhou. this report brings forward the most cutting-edge academic problems, which can help broaden the horizon of teachers and students and improve the scientific research strength of the faculty and students.

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  • office phone: 0371-23885561
  • email address: zgy2015@henu.edu.cn.

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