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author:     date:2018-05-17    read points:

name: yuan chunlin


title: associate professor

office: business school room 317

office phone: e-mail: marketingycl@163.com

personal homepage: sba.henu.edu.cn/xueshu/85/1.html

second, personal profile

1.2010.02-2013.08: ph.d. student at changwon national university, college of business school

2.2007.08-2009.12: graduate student at hoseo university

3.2006.09-2007.07: language training at hoseo university

4.2002.09-2006.07: bachelor of zhengzhou university

third, personal home page

1. personal experience: (not filled)

2. research direction:

logistics and supply chain management, new media marketing and brand management

3. academic part-time job:

korean marketing management association director

4. teaching courses:

supply chain management, international logistics, air transport  management, marketing, market forecasting and research,  inter-organization marketing

5. research projects:
[1] national natural science foundation of china, “the driving factors  of quasi-social interaction in sns environment and its mechanism of  action on brand assets” (71702049), 2018-2020, project host
[2] henan province philosophical and social science planning project  “study on strategic measures for integration of zhengzhou airport  comprehensive economic experimental area into “one belt and one road””,  2017-2019, project host
[3] “the role of interactive communication strategies in the spread of  internet marketing word-of-mouth in tourist attractions” (2015-qn-029),  project director, humanities and social sciences research, henan  provincial department of education

[4] research on the role of interactive communication strategy in the  service quality of mobile application (app) and customer selection  behavior (2013ybrw001), project manager of basic research business seed  fund of henan university, project host

[5] national natural science foundation of china, “influence mechanism  of customer original value on customers and enterprises” (71402047),  project participants

[6] research on the original value of customers based on the  perspective of consumer innovation from the humanities and social  sciences research project of the ministry of education (14yjc630073),  project participants

[7] henan province science and technology development plan project  “research on “internet innovation and entrepreneurship” in henan  province” (162400410003), project participants

[8] henan provincial government decision-making research bidding  project "research on the business model innovation pathway", 2014-2016,  project participants

[9]henan education science plan "based on knowledge integration  college management curriculum team study" [2014]-jkjxa-006, 2013-2014,  project participants

[10] henan provincial department of education science and technology  research key project “study on the development path of henan cultural  industrial park” (13a790098), project participants

[11]hunan province education department humanities and social sciences  research project “enterprise business model innovation research in the  big data era”, 2014-2016, project participants

6. journals and conference papers: (english)

[1] yuan c, et al. parasocial relationship effects on customer equity  in the social media context. journal of business research. 69 (2016)  3795-3803. (ssci)

[2]  yuan c, et al. the influence of environmental management practices and  supply chain integration on technological innovation  performance-evidence from china`s manufacturing industry[j].  sustainability, 2015, 7(11):15342-15361.(ssci )

[3]  chunlin yuan. research on the impact of food supply chain management on  supply chain management performance: a case study of food enterprises  in henan and shandong province. 2017 the 11th international conference  on operations and supply chain management (icoscm 2017). 2017

[4] chunlin yuan. a study on the impact of food traceability system on  consumer purchase intention. 2017 the 11th international conference on  operations and supply chain management (icoscm 2017). china. 2017

[5] chunlin yuan. comparison on the relationship between athletes`  endorsement attributes and brand equity from korea and china consumers.  korean journal of physical eduaction, 2013. 52(2), 285-298. (kci=cssci)

[6]  chunlin yuan: "structural relationships among brand value, brand  attitude, brand affect, & brand loyalty for the companies  participated as the 2012 london olympic official sponsors. korean  journal of sport management, 2013. 18(5), 75-93 (kci=cssci)

[7]  chunlin yuan. comparison on the structural equation model of fan  involvement, team identity, advertisement attitude, brand equity, and  brand loyalty between kbl and cba. journal of sport and leisure studies,  2015, 62, 259-271. (kci =cssci)

[8] chunlin yuan. a study on the effect of features to online store on  reuse intention in china. 2016 global marketing conference at hongkong.  hongkong. 2016

[9] chunlin yuan. effects of para-social interaction on customer  equity in social network service, 2015 korean scholars of marketing  science international conference, seoul. 2015

[10] chunlin yuan. effects of para-social relationship on customer  equity in the social media context, 2014 global marketing conference,  singapore. 2014.

[11] chunlin yuan. consumer`s perception of fitness application`  service quality for smart phone”—focusing on chinese and korean market.  korean scholars of marketing science fall international conference,  seoul. 2013

[12] chunlin yuan. the influence of interactivity in sns marketing  communication and customer equity. korean scholars of marketing science  spring international conference, seoul. 2013

[13] chunlin yuan. role of para-social interaction social network service promotion. global marketing conference, seoul. 2012

[14] chunlin yuan. two way para-social interaction in sns marketing  communication and customer equity in korea and china. korean scholars of  marketing science fall international conference. seoul. 2012

[15] chunlin yuan. role of sponsorship in brand management. 2010  korean scholars of marketing science fall international conference.  seoul. 2010

l periodical and conference papers: (chinese)

[1] yuan chunlin, china (henan) free trade zone supporting the  national "one belt and one road" strategy study, logistics technology.  2017

7. awards:

2016 henan provincial department of education humanities and social sciences research achievement award, second prize

henan university 2014-2015 academic year teaching quality contest

8. textbooks and monographs:

[1] "internet long tail marketing: marketing rules and classic cases", china economic publishing house, 2016.9

[2] "marketing", higher education press, 2015.1

[3] "the first central plains modern logistics summit forum", henan university press, 2014.11

  • address china kaifeng named avenue
  • zip code: 475004
  • office phone: 0371-23885561
  • email address: zgy2015@henu.edu.cn.

henan university philosophy and public mananfement chool all rights reserved
