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author:     date:2018-05-17    read points:

name: yu xiaolei
position: e-commerce teacher
title: associate professor
office: business school room 305
office phone:
personal homepage: sba.henu.edu.cn/xueshu/108/1.html

1.2011.09-2014.08: doctor of management, national business school, changwon university, korea

2.2009.09-2011.08: master of management, korea national university of economics, changwon university

3.2007.09-2008.07: korea huxi university public exchange students

4.2005.09-2009.07: bachelor of management in hunan institute of economics and management

  • address china kaifeng named avenue
  • zip code: 475004
  • office phone: 0371-23885561
  • email address: zgy2015@henu.edu.cn.

henan university philosophy and public mananfement chool all rights reserved
