作者 |
论文题目 |
发表刊物/论文集 |
发表时间 |
论文类型 |
王兰敬 |
sustainable supply chains under risk in the manufacturing firms: an extended double normalization-based multiple aggregation approach under an intuitionistic fuzzy environment |
journal of enterprise information management |
2021 |
ssci_2 |
王小丽 (师资博士后) |
do government subsidies promote financial performance? fresh evidence from china's new energy vehicle industry |
sustainable production and consumption |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
王小丽 (师资博士后) |
evaluation of china ' s new energy vehicle policy texts with quantitative and qualitative analysis |
technology in society |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
武澎 |
social media and health: emerging trends and future directions for research on young adults |
international journal of environmental research and public health |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
喻晓蕾 |
a new form of brand experience in online social networks: an empirical analysis |
journal of business research |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
苑春林 |
study on the influencing of b2b parasocial relationship on repeat purchase intention in the online purchasing environment: an empirical study of b2b e-commerce platform |
industrial marketing management |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
苑春林 |
the influence of parasocial relationship in fashion web on customer equity |
journal of business research |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
郑佳佳 |
can mobile information communication technologies (icts) promote the development of renewables?-evidence from seven countries |
energy policy |
2021 |
ssci_1 |
李耀 (通讯作者) |
the mitigating effect of governance quality on the finance-renewable energy-growth nexus: some international evidence |
international journal of finance & economics |
2021 |
ssci_2 |
卢光莉 |
the correlation between mobile phone addiction and coping style among chinese adolescents: a meta-analysis |
child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health |
2021 |
ssci_2 |
苑春林 |
the influence of flow experience in the augmented reality context on psychological ownership |
international journal of advertising |
2021 |
ssci_2 |
张洁梅 |
a receiver perspective on knowledge sharing impact on consumer–brand relationship in virtual communities |
frontiers in psychology |
2021 |
ssci_2 |
张洁梅 |
relationships between user knowledge sharing in virtual community with community loyalty and satisfaction |
psychology research and behavior management |
2021 |
ssci_2 |
卢光莉 |
effects of music therapy on anxiety: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
psychiatry resrarch |
2021 |
ssci_4 |
ruqia (外籍博士后) |
firm innovation and ultimate control mechanism: case of emerging market |
managerial and decision economics |
2021 |
ssci_4 |
邓传军 |
非正式地位对员工主动变革行为的影响机制研究 |
管理评论 |
2021 |
学院b |
徐东洋 |
供需未匹配的多车场多车型多货品可拆分取送货车辆路径问题 |
中国管理科学 |
2021 |
学院b |
张洁梅 |
社会资本对虚拟社区用户忠诚的影响 |
科研管理 |
2021 |
学院b |
张洁梅 |
网络负面口碑对消费者冲动性购买意愿的影响——负面情绪的中介作用 |
管理评论 |
2021 |
学院b |
李秋香 |
新零售模式下制造商渠道入侵的供应链定价研究 |
管理评论 |
2021 |
学院b |
董莉莉 |
政府低碳补贴的最优监管策略及其最优边界问题 |
中国人口.资源与环境 |
2021 |
学校b |
徐本华 |
领导成员交换与员工主动创新行为:一个被中介的调节模型 |
管理科学 |
2021 |
学院b |
姚远 |
消费群体分类视角下无风险利率之谜的解释 |
系统工程 |
2021 |
学院b |
李耀 |
企业实施品牌霸权一定会导致消费者品牌报复吗?—中国式归因方式的调节作用 |
南开管理评论 |
2021 |
学院b |
姚远 |
噪声交易、动量效应与动量策略 |
管理评论 |
2021 |
学院b |
李耀 |
“内容 交易”型平台用户生成内容与后续购买行为的关系机制——一个有调节的链式中介模型 |
财经论丛 |
2021 |
c |
任传普 |
财政赤字货币化与美国金融危机的政治经济学分析 |
上海经济研究 |
2021 |
c |
席龙胜 |
经济政策不确定性、高管激励与企业研发投入——基于沪深a股上市公司的平衡面板数据 |
河南师范大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) |
2021 |
c |
刘中刚 |
辟谣力度的概念、维度及其对辟谣效果的影响 |
河南大学学报 (社科版) |
2021 |
c |
席龙胜 |
企业金融化、内部控制与审计定价 |
财经理论与实践 |
2021 |
c |
刘锦英 |
融合顾客价值理论的价值创新商业模式发展研究 |
河南大学学报 (社会科学版) |
2021 |
c |
席龙胜 |
营商环境优化促进创新的机制及其异质性研究 |
经济纵横 |
2021 |
c |
赵军营 |
政府综合财务报告可比性研究 |
会计与经济研究 |
2021 |
c |
李新功 |
知识积累叠加互联网应用推动技术创新 |
光明日报理论版 |
2021 |
三报 |
张永军 |
团队间竞争对员工创造力和亲团队非伦理行为的影响:基于调节焦点理论的情境作用研究 |
络珈管理评论 |
2021 |
c集刊 |